incident in Garg Samhita.

Hare Krishna,

I got the following info in one of the blogs

"description of Krishna’s descension in the Garg Samhita when God Vishnu, Brahma and other gods went to Golok to seek the favor of Krishn to descend to the earth planet to kill the demon Kans. "


Does anyone have any detail info on it ?

Is Garg Samhita an authenticated scriptures recommended by Prabhupada ?


Hari Bol!!!

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    Hare Krishna, Rahul prabhu !!

    Yes, of course it's authentic. It was written by Garg Muni. He was the family priest of the family of Nanda Maharaj.

    That it's authentic is confirmed by the famous prediction it makes.....

    vamanas ca vidih sesah sanako visnu-vakyatah
    dharmartha-hetave caite bhavisyanti dvijah kalau

    visnusvami vamnangsa-statha madhvastu brahmanah
    ramanujastu sesanga nimbaditya sanakasya ca

    ete kalau yuge bhavyah sampradaya-pravartakah
    samvatsare vikramasya catvarah ksiti-pavanah

    sampradaya-vihina ye mantraste nisphalah smritah
    tasmacca gamanang hyasti sampradaye narairapi


    Vamana, Brahma, Ananta Sesha and Sanaka Kumara will appear as brahmanas by the order of Visnu, for the preservation of eternal righteousness in kali yuga.

    Visnu Swami, Madhvacarya, Ramanuja and Nimbaditya will appear respectively as a portion of Vamana, Brahma, Ananta Sesha and Sanaka Kumara.

    These saviours will be the establishers of the four authorised and empowered spiritual channels of disciplic succession in the period calculated from the reign of King Vikrama in 54 B.C. subsequently through the present era of kali yuga.

    These four authorised and empowered spiritual channels of disciplic succession are to be fully accepted by all beings; as any word, combination of words or formulation of sounds frequencies, invoked or addressed, audible or inaudible, secret or revealed, ancient or contemporary, outside their auspices prove to have absolutely no efficacy.

    Garga Samhita, Canto 10, chapter 61, verses 23, 24, 25, 26
    Your aspiring servant,
    Hari bol !!
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