
  • Hare Krishna Phrabhu ,

    You are not alone Phrabhu ,many of us are/faced similar situation like yours.

    I have been a great movie/movie songs addict before KC.Even before KC ,i was able to feel ,the songs ,movies making my mind a playground for lust and thereby leading to other Karmic activities.

    After KC ,I did not even once listened to  a film song ,nor regretted once for not hearing.Infact ,I feel the lord has healed one of my wounds.

    If u like listening to music ,I would recommend you to listen to Krishna Bhagans first and develop a taste for his Holy names.

    Trust me once you get that taste of hearing the Holy names ,you will feel that the whole Movie business is a sewer (sorry to use this word Phrabhu ,but it is the reality).

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Raghav Pr


    I was hearing one of the lectures of HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj and Maharaj was explaining how Kamsa and the vrajabasies were both remembering of Krishna 24 hrs. But there was a difference. Vrajabasies were remembering Krishna as their loving child or dear friend or most intimate lover. While, Kamsa was remembering of Lord as his Worst enemy. So the result is, Krishna reciprocated with all these in the same way how they approached Krishna. To vrajabasies, he appeared as a son/friend/lover and dealt with them in that manner, while for Kamsa he appeared as his death and ultimately killed him.

    As, Marla mataji said, hearing is very very strong sense. When we are in deep sleep, we can not see or feel things. But we can hear some one calling us to get up. Also, it is said in SB that at the time of death, all our senses will not be working except for the ears. Our throat will be chocked with the bile-air-mucus and we will not be able to speak a single word. Our eyes will start oozing liquid secretions and will not be able to see. However, we can still be able to hear from our ears. And, if we try to hear lords names and bajans and try to see Lord in it, we can do the same at the time of our death which is like our final exam. Other wise, we will start to think of the hero/heroin in the actual movie song and not Radha Krishna. The choice is upto us now to choose the right thing wisely.

    Hari bol!!!

  • Thanks for the suggestion devotees
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    :-) few years back, in the beginning of my Krishna Conscious way i also used to do this mistake, listening Tarkan's songs and imagining that i am thinking of Krishna :-)

    but it is not love, it just lust.

    Sound is very powerful. We have to avoid to hear the sound vibration from the mouth of non Devotees. By the sound they give us their lusty desires. and it is not at all love but lust.


    if we have still desire to listen such like songs then we still do not purified our heart. but no need to get sad. In the beginning we have to avoid them forcefully then later we won't have time and taste for them.


    Your servant, 

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna, Ashish Prabhu!!! I totally agree with you. I was only speaking of the stage when love for Krishna flows spontaneously. It should not be done at the initial stage or at any stage of devotion.

  • Hare Krishna raghav andotra prabhu,

    The best ways to serve Krishna have been told to us by our previous Acharyas. We have to use them only i.e. Anushilanam(following path prescribed by acharyas).

    Bhakti is Anushilanam.

    Srila Rupa Goswami in Bhakti Rasamrit Sindhu(Nectar of Devotion) says

    "Anya abhilashita shunyam gyan karmadi anavritam

    Anukulyen Krishna Anushilanam Bhaktir uttama.


    our Acharyas do not prefer us to watch movies and listen such songs rather Srila Prabhupada says not to do these things. We must not follow our own ways ,otherwise we won't we able to elevate in Devotion. For advancement in Bhakti we must only follow the prescribed ways by acharyas.

    Singing bollywood songs are not prescribed by achryas.

    Krishna's lover prabhu, I agree to your fact that such ways can be adopted by advanced stage devotees. But who will decide that whether we are advanced or not.

    Following our own ways is not good. Chant Hare Krishna and be happy.

    your servant


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