In case of Spiritual death

here my question is if one suffers spiritual death i.e no more bhakti in his personal self then what should be done if materially he is alive bt no spirituality left in him . in that case if he tries to again go on spiritual path but does not see any mellow, and is getting inclined towards material life.

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    Hare Krishna Mataji. Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    It is not uncommon that when we practice devotional we sometimes loose our taste in the activity of Krishna Consciousness. It happens to us because we are not yet transcend the platform of Passion and ignorance. Spontaneous Devotional service without interruption can only be performed when one reach the stage of Suddha-Sattva. So for us specially who are still under the modes (specially passion and ignorance) the devotional service is like sine curve, sometimes go up sometimes go down. And as the taste of material sense enjoyment is still within us so when we don't get any taste in Devotional service we again become inclined to material life as soul by nature is pleasure seeking, so what is the solution ?

    The solution is we should question ourself whether we are following the instructions of Acharya and Guru as it is. It is not that a neophyte will fly high always in Bhakti. Actually there are different stages of Bhakti, The initial stage is Vaidhi Bhakti or Devotion under regulative principles. Vaidhi Bhakti stage is recommended for the neophytes. Initially we have no ruchi or taste for Devotional service, or if some taste it is flickering, at that time wejust have to follow the regulative principles like deity worships, service, book reading, chanting,hearing,association even we don't get any taste in these activities. Association is very important, Association with elevated devotees actually brings taste and keep us going in KC. There are 9 stages of Bhakti

    1. sraddha: faith
    2. sadhu-sanga: association with devotees
    3. bhajana-kriya: performance of devotional service
    4. anartha nivrtti: decreasing of unwanted attachments
    5. nistha: steadiness
    6. ruci: taste
    7. asakti: attachment
    8. bhava: love
    9. prema: pure love for Krsna

     So in the above list we see that taste or ruchi is in 6th stage, so before achieving step 6 we have to ensure that we have well practiced all the steps before in an ordered manner, then only taste will remain. we can't reach the top of the ladder without going through all the step, similarly Bhakti is a scientific process where we have to progress gradually with the help of Guru and Sashtra to achieve the highest goal i.e. uninterrupted Krishna Prema. So when we are lacking taste in Devotional service we have to check the steps before and work hard on those stages.

    Hope this will help

    Your aspiring Servant

    Hari Bol

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