I request u,Plz solve my problem.

Hare krsn,dandvat prnam,I came in contact with a person & became his friend.i also make him K.C.But once i advised him to leave his friends bcoz his friends disturbed his K.C & try to break our friendship.bcoz of my advise my friend felt hurt & broke relation with me.So many time i urge to forgave me.but even he doesn't want see my face.so howmany time i forgive? Howmany time i explain him?it is reality that since last 1 year i also left him on his luck.So i want to show him right path & save him from bad association.I want to make him again K.C.So what should i do? Plz plz help me.

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  • Hare Krishna.. my humble pranams to all Krishna-Bhaktas.. ||Sri Krishna pAdakamalam sharanam praPadhYe ||

    To start with after your rounds of chants, pray to Lord Krishna to show mercy to your friend. Trust Krishna to push him out of maya and then your friend will naturally turn to a devotee-friend like you just like a man in thirst will turn towards the source of water. Maha mantra is a very powerful medicine to you but its vibrations can travel to reach other's hearts !!

    - May Krishna shower His blessings, grace and mercy on you !!

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna,


    His divine grace, A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, has given many explanations on this topic of krishna consciousness and association in several books such as Srimad Bhagavatam and other books. The quotes below should help you understand the recommendations of the scriptures and help you deduce what you should do in this case.


    From the Srimad Bhagavatam 1st Canto:

    "In this Kali-yuga practically all people are of the quality of Jagai and Madhai. If they want to be relieved from

    the reactions of their misdeeds, they must take shelter of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and after spiritual initiation thus refrain from those things which are prohibited in the sastras. The prohibitory rules are dealt with

    in the Lord's teachings to Srila Rupa Gosvami."


    From Srimad Bhagavatam 3rd Canto:

    "Now a question arises: If the Lord is sitting in the hearts of nondevotees, why are they not moved to become devotees? It may be answered that the stubborn nondevotees are like the barren land or alkaline field, where no agricultural activities can be successful. As part and parcel of the Lord, every individual living entity has a minute

    quantity of independence, and by misuse of this minute independence, the nondevotees commit offense after offense, to both the Lord and His pure devotees engaged in missionary work. As a result of such acts, they become as barren as an alkaline field, where there is no strength to produce."


    "The Lord, however, does not disclose Himself to a casual or unauthentic worshiper to be exploited. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (7.25): naham prakasah sarvasya yoga-maya-samavrtah. Rather, by yoga-maya, the Lord remains concealed to the nondevotees or casual devotees who are serving their sense gratification. The Lord is never visible to the pseudodevotees who worship the demigods in charge of universal affairs."


    "Great unalloyed devotees of the Lord are compassionate towards the fallen, and therefore they travel all over the world with the mission of bringing souls back to Godhead, back to home. Such pure devotees of the Lord carry the message of Godhead in order to deliver the fallen souls, and therefore the common man who is bewildered by the influence of the external energy of the Lord should avail himself of their association."


    From letters by Srila Prabhupada on his Godbrothers:

    72-08-26. Letter: Gaurasundara
    "All along I HAVE BEEN DISCOURAGED IN EVERY WAY BY MY GODBROTHERS, but still I have stuck to my duty, keeping my Spiritual Master always in front."

    72-09-09. Letter: Krsna dasa
    "MY GODBROTHERS ALWAYS DISCOURAGED ME BUT I DID NOT GIVE UP, I am doing my duty and always keeping my spiritual master in front. Even there is some difficulty or hardship, or even my godbrothers may not cooperate or there may be fighting, still, I must perform my duty to my spiritual master and not become discouraged and go away, that is my weakness."


    So you can see, you are not the only one who ever had difficulties convincing friends or other people to come to Krsna Consciousness in this material world but you must be very patient and continue trying if you have this strong desire. 

    However, you must be careful to see that you are also associating with devotees and doing your best to improve your spiritual knowledge and krishna consciousness. Otherwise, maya can keep creating troubles for you and anyone.


    Hari Bol,

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