i open my own ngo so plz sugges me good name 4 my ngo. plsssssssss my ngo is work on rural development and all social issue so plz telll me ggod name of my ngo plzzzzzzzz hare krishna

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  • Jai Shri Krishna..


    Dear Jignesh Prabhuji,  please explain exactly what it is that you'll be doing for the rural community and how you'll help in the social issue.  Dear Prabhuji, as this is a Krishna conscious website.. what is it that you'll be taking to the people.  Please explain in detail, exhaustively what differences will there be from the rest of the NGO organization i.e. what will make yours unique. Why did you have to go your own route from the existing NGO'S.  Which part of the country will be concentrated on and from where will you start?  How many members are there in your organization.


    I have a great name but I would like to hear from you on the matter I have stated above

    All the best.

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