i need a vashnav mercy and suggestions

hare krsna to all .. dandvat parnam

 I am regularly visiting various iskcon temples, centres and participated in various functions and programme from last 1.5 year. I joined iskcon from may 2012. My regularly read various books n magazines of iskcon and try do 16 round of japa mala regularly...

Iskcon really brings a dramatically change in my life style and behaviour and i’m very grateful for that. After joining iskcon and learn the teaching of iskcon by devotees and spiritual master i am almost completely changed. now i meet new people and have a better n spiritual friend circle. I left almost all my bad habits and most material needs.. and my parents feel proud of me...and am felling blessed.
I want to elevate in Krsna’s Consciousness not because for a kind of material desire or happiness nor for haven but for lord Krishna , live with my true identity i.e. I am his servant and i have to serve him with my heart n live a spiritual life ..... But on this path I really face few problem and huddles and i really want to overcome them, i tried my best to overcome these problem

but am not able to do so on my own .. and i am a kind of shy person to share my problems with friends , devotees and even with my parents as from my childhood i was a only child and i have nobody to whom i share and discuss my problem.. But still i managed on my own till now ..... But now i faced problem in spiritual path, and i can not take any kind of risk for that so i have to overcome them,

i am really disturbed by all this in my spiritual life... please  save me
I hope you understand my problem

... your servent 
prince <whatsapp.. 8053732648

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  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    Its not possible to solve your problems or to give suggestions without knowing what your problem is. Pls feel free to mention your problem, then we will try to solve it to the best of our ability.



    • Volunteer

      i agree with Rashmi Mataji.

      if i do not have friends to whom i can open my heart;

      if i do not have my elders on whose knee i can put my head when i want to cry and take shelter;

      if there are no people whom i can serve and love;

      then i am not able to imagine my life.

      We are - souls from the world where relationships are very good and eternal. So living entity cannot live alone.

      We need other living entities with us...

      When we are simple then it is very easy to open our heart to right person. When we are honest and humble we can do that. But we have to be sure that person to whom we are opening our heart is our true friend and well wisher.

      Your servant,

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