I Am Bliss Drink?

Please accept my Humble Obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, Gurudeva & Gauranga.


Hare Krishna


I have seen an advertisement given on google (possibly because I look up meditation frequently).

It is called I Am Bliss drink for meditation. I don't know what it contains, or why it popped up on my screen, but I did want to know what this is and if it is good/bad for us (devotees of the Supreme Lord). 


The webpage for this drink is www.iambliss.net

I will be doing further research. I pray that these people are not using Meditation as the forefront in order to make $$$. Greed is what caused the Battle of Kuruksetra.


I am hoping to stop others from making offenses so please do not be offended by me asking this question. I am not very qualified. Please excuse my ignorance.


Hari Bol

Your Servant,

Bhakta David

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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna,

    I looked at the website. The product contents seem ok but the danger is to become addicted to it even if it has some physical relaxation benefits.

    It is better to follow recommendations of His divine grace, Srila Prabhupada and abstain from anything which can be considered addictive and act like an intoxicant. That is why even tea and coffee are considered as prohibited for krishna conscious devotees.

    Hari Bol,

    Hari Bol,

  • HK



    Yes it does just look like they are selling to make money and nothing else. There are many other drinks like that in the market. Just chant Hare Krishna.


    In your service,



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