Humble enquiry about Tulasi

Hare Krishna!!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

My humble obeisances unto all Vaisnavas!!

I have a confusion regarding Tulasi plant.We know that every living entity in this material world has a gross material body & a subtle body inside which Soul lives.If we look at Tulasi plant it has a gross body which undergoes birth,growth,maintenance,decay& death.That means some Soul is residing inside.Now we know that Tulasi is very dear to Lord.

My question:'are all the souls residing in various Tulasi plants dear to Lord??or the Gross body of Tulasi plant??'

Please forgive me if i had made any mistake in asking this question!!

Your Servant!!


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    Hare Krsna Prabhu. Yes, the souls are dear to the lord as well as the body of the Tulasi plant.

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