Hore Krisna.

Dondobot pronam to all devotees.

In Bhagabat Gita Krisna said:

"sorbojonisu kounteo murtoyo sombhobonti ja/ tasang Bramha mohot joni ahang bijo prodo pita" (14/4)

So krisna is the father of each soul and bramha is the mother of them. Krisna has such superior power that by every sense of organ He can perform the all work of all organs. Hence he can create his sons by only looking with his 'oprakrita' eye. In this way krisna has created his sons.

Now we are in this world because, when we were in the eternal spiritual world with our sochhidananda chinmoy body, we somehow felt jealous to our lord and we desired very much to enjoy everything just as krisna did.We even tried there to imitate Krisna.

Now in BG Krisna also said

' Iti te jnanomakhyatong guhyad guyotorong moya/bimrishyoi etedosheseno jothechhosi totha kuru' (18/63).

that means he has described all his secret theories and lastly he has given us full freedom to do any work we want. So when we wanted to enjoy like Him, we were immediately needed a material body. So to get it, we took birth in this material world. And after our birth we were caught in the trap of Maya. Maya made us to forget krisna.

In this way from time immemorial we have forgotten lord Krisna and practically we became a slave of Maya.And thus we are enjoying a lot of miseries.

Now if we want to return back to our spiritual world we have to take shelter of SHORONAGATI and chant MOHAMONTRO. This is the one and only one way to get rid of Maya , to get prema bhakti and to return back to our eternal spiritual world with SOCHHINANDA chinmoy body.  

Hori Bol.

Radhe Radhe.



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