Dear Superiors and Prbhuji's
Please Accept my humble obeisances ,all the glories to srila prabhupada, i want to know deeper way to remove fear in KC, doing chanting 16 rounds and following the regulative priniciples , although i am not get out from fear, Why is it karma or anything What should i do .
please help me in this regard.
Thanks & Regards,
Hare Krishna
Awesome! ? )
Krishna Consciousness and Fear
Our Answer:
Fear and nervousness come from not knowing the future, or having concerns about the outcome of something in the future. Because a devotee is aware that Krishna is in charge of everything, and that not a blade of grass moves without His sanction, it follows that a devotee isn't afraid or nervous. As one advances in Krishna consciousness and becomes more aware of Krishna's loving hand in life it is possible to relax and have true peace.
Srila Prabhupada refers to one particular verse in Bhagavad-gita as the "Peace Formula":
In his commentary, Srila Prabhupada explains that once a person is aware that Krishna is his loving and well-wishing friend, and has a loving relationship with Him, then there is truly peace, i.e. freedom from anxiety and fear.
Throughout our lives we try to control everything so it will come out "OK" and we will find what we want in the material world that we need to become happy. However, this is a false hope because 1) we are unable to control anything, and 2) our ultimate happiness doesn't come from anything material. It comes from a loving relationship with Krishna!
If one cultivates that relationship, and develops strong faith that everything that happens is exactly what Lord Krishna wants to happen, then one can stop trying to control everything and relax. A child under the protection of his parents can feel calm and safe, and so the devotee, when under the protection of the Lord, feels calm and safe.
Hare Krsna Prabhuji,
Fear is because of our attachment to and identification with the body. The more we realise we are soul and not the body, and that the soul is part and parcel of the Supreme Being, the more we will depend on the Supreme Being, the less we will be scared. To the extent of the level of surrender, our fear is reduced. Shloka 2.40 of Bhagawad Gita says - svalpa mapyasya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat - even a small degree of religiosity can alleviate the greatest of fears.
You may be the hypertensive sort by nature. So you could do pranayam for 5 min every morning in addition to the chanting and the 4 regulative principles.
YOur servant,
Radha Rasamayi DD
Thank u mataji it's really . i didn't see this message still today due to not available in the net.somehow i have been applying same what u said.
Your's sincerly.
Hare Krishna,
It`s our nature we fear because we are embodied beings. But the individual soul who is conscious he is part and parcel of the Supreme Soul knows no fear, knowing that the soul can not be destroyed by sickness, by fire, by anything. Yet there are souls who are afraid when thrown into the eternal damnation of fire in hell.
Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya
krsnaraja melvin
Dullness of mind, fear and ignorance are destroyed for one engaged in serving the devotees of the Lord.
Thank u prbhuji,
in the devotees association fear run out