
  • Volunteer

    :D if You go to Vrindavan or Mayapur please buy nice, cotton bead bags Prabhu maybe 3-4 so that when You wash one will use another one, isn't it?!

    For washing bead bag i use soap or washing powder, there is no harm on it. 

    But if we want to purify it nicely then we can also after cleaning wash it with cow dung. 

    With water mixed with little cow dung powder.

    Your servant, 

  • Following are best practices, one should follow them in effective manner :

    1) one should only wash bead bag in day time, in presence of fire god i.e Sun

    2) one should not use any sort of chemicals, as they may harm nature & small lives.

    3) one should keep chanting, till the time bead bag not got dried up...

    4) If however, you are not able to follow above three steps,then follow basic steps and put the beads near Krishna's deity or in a clean place while thinking of Krishna in mind....

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