Hare Krishna.

I'm facing one particular problem in KC since the last few months. Its affecting my job and also my KC. I work in a reputed company in business development. The job is quite demanding and the worse thing is the boss who de-motivates us every week in sales call and makes an insecure environment. The week starts with his disgusting threats and an insecure atmosphere. The rest of the day me and my colleagues spend with a highly demotivated attitude towards our respective responsibilities.

I feel bad about it. I feel we have no right to worry about the consequence. I feel our present jobs are blessings of Krishna, and we should execute it with utmost care without a dint of fear, insecurity. But the minute independence Krishna has given us makes my mind worry about the future. How to stop it. How will I execute my materialistic job as a service to Krishna without fear. How should I give up my partial independence and do whatever Krishna wants me do without being affected by external circumstances.

I need the help of advance devotess on this. Please suggest. 

By Krishna's arrangement I am having a small cabin of my own in the office where I used to chant in office hours. But one of my KC friends suggested me not to chant in office hours. So I am not doing it.

Your Servant. 

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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Pratap Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances!

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    It is very nice if man is active and has a job.

    So let's know the depressed position of a woman and man:

    When woman is depressed she starts to be very active: try to do job, earn money, ...very active.

    But when man is depressed he becomes active less. He looses desire to go for job, earn money...sits in front of TV and eat food. So it is the sign of depression of a man. 

    So Your case is very nice. You have a job where You can become free from depression. Because for a man to get rid of depression is to do job and face all risks there. These things make man stronger. 

    But over active woman is not normal one. For her it is recommended to cool down and be peaceful, take some rest.

    So please become responsible, chant Your rounds in the morning at home, when You are on the way to work. And in Your work place actively do Your duties. 

    It is like You have to be a worrier as like Arjuna in the battle field. So when Arjuna fought his body also sometimes bleed because of others' arrows. But he did not step back, doesn't he? He trusted into Krishna and putting aside all fears fought.

    Your servant, 

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