Hare Krishna,

How to enlighten a totally new person about Krishna consciousness? I met a person from Holland studying medicine and he has come to India for few weeks. He became close to me thorough talks. He doesnt follow any religion. He doesnt believe in God. He eats all sort of non veg food and goes out with several girls. But he started enquiring inquisitively like where is God? Why cant we see him? what is this reincarnation all about? etc.. I couldnt tell him cos he didnt knew even the basics. So i have to start telling him from basics and i knew my talks may not convince him. so i told him i ll give you some books which you can read and understand. I thought of giving him books of Srila Prabhupad. How can i help him to understand?

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  • Hare Krishna!

    God realization is starts with basic self realization. Learning about God and His attributes might be tough initially for those who are not from basic spiritual background. every time we encounter such a situation, our respect and admiration for Srila Prabhupada grows a million fold!

    prabhuji, giving your friend some prasadam is a very good idea. in addition to that, pl tel him about his identity, Bg verse is very helpful:

    dehino 'smin yatha dehe ch2 txt 13

    explain to him the meaning of this and how we are all souls. once he understands this basic fact or at least gets partially convinced, he will look for more answers. then Krishna will surely help him.


    we shall all pray to Krishna and Prabhupada that your friend may understand this transcendental science. without their mercy and blessings it is impossible!


    Hari Bol!

  • Jai Shri Krishna,


    He associates himself with the external form of his material body, therefore start there.  Explain to him who he really is and the nastiness of the material body.  From there it will be simple to sustain a logical flow of explanation with the assistance taken from the books by Prabhupad..


  • hare krsna dear Sanjay Prabhuji,

    let your friend go out with girls and let him eat non veg,please dont instruct about these
    topics at this time else he will run away

    I appreciate that you have not answered his questios

    As all of us know that krsna consciousness is a slow process
    Please fill his stomach with awesome prasadam.
    Prasadam is like the roots of a tree.When one eats prasadam the tree of krsna consciousness
    gets flourished.
    When one eats prasadam his mind will get connected to krsna's lotus feet

    Let him take beautiful darshan of krsna and radha rani
    If possible let him attend any introduction basic courses/lectures

    gradually answer all his questions


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