how to control lust?

Hare Krishna, AGTSP, PAMHO

I am inquiring the devotees of the desire tree to ask how to control lust? It attacks from all corners. I try to excercise some self control and I do pray and chant daily. I am younger and it's hard to control these bodily urges to masturbate. I try to engage myself in chanting and Krishna conscious activitiess but sometimes it overwhelms me. I feel so guilty because Krishna is always there for me and will always accept me again but I do not want to do this, this is not right. I feel as thogu h I am a hypocrite, "who am I to chant the Holy Name after I just committed such an atrocity?" I pray for guidance and for me to help myself but it just gets out of comtrol sometimes. Maybe one of you humble devotees can help me in this problem, for i am so fallen.

Hare Krishna

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