hare krishna!!!

i am in big confusion because i installed radha krishhna dieties in my home last year on 7th june and their  1rst aniversary is approaching and i want to get suggestions that what should i do on that day, like abhisheka etc. i want devottees to please solve my confusion by telling me whole schedule of the day what i have to do. and this will be done in my home only, so please can anyone tell me what should i do? i will be highly obliged. 

hare krishna!!!

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  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    Many many dandvats. It was so nice to read what you did and the photos are exquisite. Your deities are beautiful, you take very good care of them.

    You are unnecessarily giving credit - you have done much much more than what I suggested and imagined. In fact, I have never been able to do chappan bhog for my deities. I dont think I have it in me to make 56 items at one time and offer. And abhishek with 108 items!!! This is not done even in ISKCON temples. Wow!!! Their lordships would be so so pleased with you and your family. Jai ho. All glories to devotees like you and your family!!!

    Pls bless us prabhuji and pray for us also, so taht we may be delivered in some life time.


    YOur humble servant,



  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    What did you finally do? I am curious, please can you share with us.


    Your servant,


    • hare krishna !!!mataji

      with divine grace of sri radha madhava the day was greatfully celebrated by me.it was whole aview of sri vrindavana at my home.i did the following on that day-

      firstly i decorated the room of dieties with lot many flowers like jasmine marigold and set the altar and a chattra on top of dieties ,did mangala aarti in early morning and did whole big procedure of abhisheka followed by hare krishna mahamantra chanting and kirtana i bathed the dieties with 108 things then i did shringaar of the dieties offered them mogra garlands and put them in a jhula and did their maha aarti and then we did kirtana and offered the dieties chappan bhoga to the dieties and ended the ceramony with great pleasure following with sandhya aarti and shayan aarti .and this happened only because of his grace and the opinions given by you all...................................hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare ram hare ram ram ram hare hare. ther are some photos...

  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    When you did the deities installation a year ago, how did you do it? Meaning, did you call the ISKCON devotees for the installation from your nearest temple? The best people to ask would be them. I am giving you what is coming to my mind.

    Whatever standard of deity worship you set in your house, you have to follow that standard . If you want to celebrate installation day, then ideally, you have to do it every year. It also depends on how big you want the celebration to be? 7th June as per Eng calendar or Vaishnava calendar?

    You can call congregation devotees, do abhishek, kirtan, opulent prasadam, offer feast of mahaprasad to assembled devotees. You could buy your deities a gift - maybe new dress, new ornaments, maybe silver dining set ..... whatever... like how you would celebrate a child's b'day. It can be as opulent as you want or it can be as simple as you want. Depends on you.


    Your servant,


    • hare krishna!1


      WHEN I brought my dieties last year i have not called iskcon devotees for installation but did all procedure myself only with all rules and regulations and yes 7th june is in accordance with vaishnavas calender .thank you for your humble reply.but i want to ask you that is there is any site where i can find procedure for mahabjisheka and prasadam offering please kindly tell i will be thankful


      a devotee


      • E-Counselor

        Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


        There are videos on you tube. You can search on Sheetalanga Prabhu. He has explained the deity worship in details.

        Otherwise you can do you tube and see any of the abhishek videos.

        The simple thing to do at home on sustained basis is - take a little sour curd in a bowl. After water, you can use the sour curd as soap for the deities. You can also take gopi chandan and gulab jal in a bowl, while doing abhishek, add half a lemon and use that as mixture. I have heard HG Jananivas Prabhuji saying that if you use lemon, there is a chance of corrosion and holes may be made in the deities, so dont do it regularly.

        Abhishek should be done every ekadasi ideally.

        For detailed abhishek on special days, you can put in separate bowls - milk (unboiled), curd, honey, ghee, sugar, the proportions should be how you make panchamrta at home and do abhishek in details. If someone can read brahma samhita at the time this abhishek is going on, it is better. Else, say the mahamantra in the entire process. You can make garlands of grapes/ kismis/ cherries and offer at the time of doing abhishek. You can even take out some fruit juices - like mangoes, grapes, oranges, pomegranate. If you want, you can even offer some sharbat like rose. If you want to do sahastra dhara, then you can put some fruits in the paatra and then do at the end.

        After abhishek, and after you haev decorated the deities, you can put ittar (perfume) on them, do their nazar (take salt and mustard seeds in a small paper turn it around the deities anti clock wise 7 times) and then do govindam adi purusham showing them the mirror.

        After abhishek, ideally you should offer prasadam to the deities and then everyone can take remnants.

        I have told you wahtever is do able at home. You can pick and choose. For more details, you have to refer to deity worship manuals or do search on youtube.


        Your servant,


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