How serving bring happiness?

Hare Krishna all,


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

 As we know that as a soul we meant to be happy always and generally happiness comes by taking

service. Kindly explain how one can be happy serving others. I serve devotees with intention in my heart that this makes krishna happy and if krishna is happy then my future will be bright. Is this pure selfishness or ignorance ?  I want krishna to be happy so that in turn I become happy. Kindly, explain

what should be our attitude while serving  others.


Your servant


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    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    yes, as  Sudipta Roy Prabhu explained that type of pure selfless service attitude is developed by hard work for a long time, passing through lots of exams...


    Example of that selfless service were Gopis who even do not care for the bright future but were ready to suffer in the hell just to cure Krishna from His headache.

    On the contrary to see Krishna sick was their hell or worse than hell.

    Also as Srimati Radharani says in Chaitania Charitaamrita:

    sometimes i feel pain when other gopis are with Krishna but if it makes Krishna happy then i will bring all girls to His feet and suffer myself but that pain will be my great joy because it makes Krishna happy.


    in this way happiness is the thing which comes when we do not wait for it. But when we wait for that it won't come. But when we forget about that it will come. Selfless means: i will serve and please Devotees and Krishna even though i may suffer or even though i do not taste the sweetness of the Holy Names. I do not care. i just want these Devotees be happy. Let all happiness be their!!!


    Your servant,  

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Prabhuji. Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    It is natural for a living entity to get somekind of happiness while serving Krishna, because a part is always happy while serving the whole because it is its constitutional position. From Vedanta -sutra we learn  " janmady asya yatah" that means Living entity is by nature pleasure seeking. But In material existence we seek pleasure from matter that is also to satisy our own senses , from that SELFISHNESS born.Actually when we forget Krishna, our love for Krishna turns into lust in this material existence. 


    Now as we are in this material existence from time immemorial , we got the tendency of selfishness, that is we always thinks that we would do only those things that will make myself happy. And this also we apply when doing service of Krishna. It is so because our mind is still contaminated by the notion , I , me and mine. BUT NOTHING TO BE WORRY , this is natural for fallen soul like us, As Krishna is pure of the purest, by constantly engaging ourself in his servce gradually we will become SELFLESS oneday. That day will come when no longer we will think of ourself, that is the highest perfectional stage, that is what 100% Krishna Consciousness.

    No one begins Krishna's service from selfless point of view, but gradually the selfishness fade away and we become selfless and completely absorb in Krishna's service. That is why Bhakti-Yoga is called purification process. So it is not offence or ignorance to service Krishna with the motive of personal happiness in the begining, but be assured the selfishness will fade away gradually , and then we will think of Krishna's hapiness only not ours. At that stage we can become completely happy eternally. Unhappiness is due to I,me and mine consciousness.

    Your aspiring servant

    Hari Bol

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