Hare krishna dear devotees
Today i spend my time with my spritual master between the conversation i asked my spritual master. prabhuji how i balence bakthi and studies he gave me some suggestions that is
prepare a time table and you should follow the time table . maya will come to destract you but you should stay strong and decrease the sreen time and follow the ABCD formula
1 A association
2 B book reading
3 C chanting the holy name
4 D diet
association of devotees is must important come to the temple and study in the temple here we have number of devotees
after your study time read srila prabhupada books
chant the maha manthra
take prasadam
prepare your time table according to this and wake up early in the morning as you can
if your suffering to wake up early do this before you sleep pray krishna like this oh my dear krishna please wake me up early i wanted to surve you
follw this instractions and come closer to krishna
i would like to share with you all
Nice haribol