how insignificant is our human life....

this saturday i saw this nice chart for the 1st time

and was in awe... hw small is our human life, how insignificant,

if i pray to god for 100years it won't even come to brahma ji's one second.


and a neophyte like me think if i do a 16 mala--approx 2hrs of remembering god..

would he even come to know that we are remembering him.??


i just want to discuss your opinion on this 100 years of brahma...

lord krsna told he comes every yug... to save religion


this means brahmaji ke every second mein krsna is on earth..???

what abt other lokas.... attal sutal swarg ... i don't know names of all 14 lokas


what are the 14 lokas n where are we...

how many above us, hw many below us..

is this the complete picture of the universe or do we have other brahmandas....

containing many more lokas...??


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    Hare Krishna Nagraj Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    We chant 16 rounds in order at least remember Krishna truly for 1 second. When we hear the real Holy Name we will be liberated and attain love for Krishna. Because of that we chant many times. Because when we chant once we are not able to call out sincerely. But if we struggle and bring mind back to the Holy Names while chanting for 2-3 hours maybe by the mercy of Nama Prabhu we will hear real Name for a second. 

    You are right we are insignificant. But Krishna and His Holy Names are the most powerful. When we being humble catch to the lotus feet of Krishna then we will achieve our goal.

    Lord Brahma wakes up early in the morning and starts to meditate upon the Lord then receiving from Him Vedic knowledge he starts to construct this universe.

    There are 14 Manvantaras in each day of Brahma. And each Manu lives 71 divya yugas . One divya yuga means 4 yugas. Which are: Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali.

    Krishna comes only once in a day of Brahma. And He comes only in 7th Manvantara and in 28th Divya Yuga and before Kali yuga. Then follows Lord Chaitania. 

    In this Krishna in His original Form as Krishna comes only once in a day of Brahma. But also Krishna comes as His incarnations like Yuga Avatars, Lila Avatars, Shaktiavesha avatars...


    There are heavenly planets in the top bottom of the universe then in middle there are earthly planets, then in the lower portions there are hellish planets. 

    Our Earth planet is situated in between. 

    Your servant, 

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