How does Shri Krishna look like in Golaka/ Krsna Dhama?

Hare Krishna!
Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

1. How Shri Krishna looks like in Golaka/ Krsna Dhama? Does he look like similar to HIS deity (as the below image)?

2. How are the souls over there? Are they in the form of Human Being ? It is confirmed that the soul won't be covered with such material body (like us), then what is the form of the soul in Golaka?

3. Srimati Radharani is also staying in Golaka?


hari Bol!

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                           ALL GLORIES TO SRILA PRABHUPADA.


  • Yes, i understand.

    But then, is Golaka  a planet (like earthly planet) or it is the free space?

    Hare Krsna!

  • Volunteer

    oh the exact Krishna :D !!!

    Especially the color! :D

    :D :D :D

    In order to see Him personally we have to take the Holy Names very seriously Prabhu. 

    We will be able to see Him even in this life, in this body IF we chant the Holy Names PROPERLY in the association of SINCERE Devotees.


    We will have our own swarupa form, maybe a monkey, or a cow, or a tree :D or a gopa or a gopi....

    so please do not worry, we will have all senses to serve to Krishna.


    Where is Krishna there is always Srimati Radharani. Where is Narayana there is always Lakshmi!

    Your servant, 

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