Hare Krsna Prabhuji / Mataji,
I am just curious to know that, how did i come to this material world? Was I here from my start (Even though i heard somewhere that there is no start and end for soul) or was i in spiritual abode? If i was in spiritual abode (where there is no Kuntha), then why did i leave it and come to this misery world? Wasn't i free there from birth and death cycle? And moreover if i return back to the spiritual abode, is there any guarantee that i would be there for eternity without coming back again?
Hare Krsna Prabhuji,
Thank you for your answer.
Hare Krishna,
Pls. go thru the vid.
The following Conversation took place in Melbourne, Australia June 25, 1974 between Srila Prabhupada and his disciples
Devotee – “When we are in the spiritual sky and serving Krishna, we have a perfect relationship with Krishna, what causes us to fall down in the material world, because we’re already serving Krishna?”
Srila Prabhupada – “Because you desire to fall down. Here it is explained that “Don’t fall down.”
Devotee – “Srila Prabhupada, I can’t understand why we should have an impure desire when we are already serving…”
Srila Prabhupada – “Because you have got little freedom. Why one is not coming here and going to the liquor shop? It is his desire.
Devotee – “In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, it says that Krishna did not want us to come to this material world. If Krishna did not want us to come, why are we here?”
Srila Prabhupada – “Yes. You forced Krishna to allow you to come. Just like sometimes a child forces his father. Father says, “My dear son, do not do this. Do not go there.” But he insists, “Oh, I must go. I must go.” “All right, you go at your risk. That’s all. And you suffer. What can be done?” Because you are Son of God you have got independence, full independence, therefore you have acquired the quality of your father. You have got little independence. So God does not interfere with your little independence. If you persist that “I must go and enjoy independently,” so God says, “All right, you can go.” This is the position. You have to take sanction. That is a fact. But when you persist, God sanctions. And you come and enjoy”. (Melbourne, Australia June 25, 1974)
For love to truly exist, the jiva-souls (jivatma or jiva-tattva) MUST have the free will and right as part of their marginal constitutional make up, to choose in Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrindavana at all times.
And sadly the fact is, a small minority do choose to leave Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrindavan (less than 10%), regardless of how some have interpreted past Sages and Acharyas claiming no one can ever fall down from Vaikuntha.
To say those in Vaikuntha will "never ever fall down" IS true - but ONLY for those who choose NOT to fall down".
In other words, if the jiva wants to leave they certainly can.
To make a blanket comment that "not even the leaves fall and leave Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrindavana" seems to not take into consideration the free will of the jiva tattva.
Hare Krsna Mataji,
Thank you Mataji. I have understood that, why did I come here and how foolish I was to take up such a foolish decision to which I regret now. By the way thanks to Krishna, Srila Prabhupada and other Vaishnavas by whose mercy, I again got connected to krishna and hope that I wouldn't be foolish again.