
  • There is no need to imitate Lord Chaitanya. “In the Padma Purana there is a statement describing how a Vaishnava should decorate his body with tilak and beads: “Persons who put tulasi beads on the neck, who mark twelve places of their bodies as Vishnu temples and who have vishnu-tilak on their foreheads, are to be understood as the devotees of Lord Vishnu in this world. Their presence makes the world purified, and anywhere they remain, they make that place as good as Vaikuntha.” Although Lord Chaitanya, after discovering Radha-kunda, used the mud of the kunda as tilak, it is not advised to imitate Mahaprabhu’s pastimes - but rather follow his instructions, as revealed by Shrila Rupa and Sanatana Goswamis.It it also known well known that Shrila Prabhupada, the greatest preacher of Lord Chaitanya’s movement, did not approve his disciples using Radha-kunda mud as tilak and never used it himself. One should not misuse Radha-kunda for ones personal benefit, but instead revere and worship the kunds as being Radharani’s personal bathing place and ger exclusive property. All bona-fide Gaudiya Vaishhavas who follow in the line of the Six Goswamis use gopichandana tilak.  

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