Hare Krishna ! All glories to Shrila Prabhupada !

I have a question and would be very grateful if someone could answer it.

When Lord Krishna kills a demon then they merge into His effulgence called brahmajyoti. I can understand this. However when the demon Aghasura was killed by Lord Krishna then he merged into the personal body of Lord Krishna. How can any demon or anyone merge into the personal body of Lord Krishna ? I find this very difficult to understand. I request someone to enlighten me on this.



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    Hare Krishna Mihir Prabhuji, please accept my humble obeisances!
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
    May be it is because Krishna within and without everything. As like He showed all universes within His mouth to Mother Yashoda. So everything is within Krishna and He is in everything. Even His brahmajyoti is within Him at the same time without Him. So it is called as inconceivable.

    Your servant, bhaktin maral 

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