Hare Krishna!
Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

How Brahma's son Narada Muni can live before 5000 years, at the age of starting of Kali Yuga WHEN lord Brahma was created crores of years ago?

Just Servant

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  • Volunteer

    "...while instructing King Pariksit, Sukadeva Gosvami often related historical episodes and gives accounts of lengthy philosophical discussions between such great souls as Narada Muni and Vaasudeva. With the understanding of the history of the Bhagavatam, the reader will easily be able to follow its intermingling of dialogues and events from various sources. Since philosophical wisdom, not chronological order, is most important in the text, one need only be attentive to the subject matter of Srimad-Bhagavatam to appreciate fully its profound message."

    - Introduction to Srila Prabhupada's Srimad-Bhagavatam

  • Yes, I was not so clear about the question. Here is my explanation about what I wanted to know,


    Although Vedavyasa was an incarnation of Lord Krishna Himself he was also within the purview of disciplic succession having been initiated by Narada Muni who was initiated by Brahma who was initiated by Vishnu. After writing the four Vedas, the 108 Puranas and the Brahma Sutras, Vedavyasa composed the Mahabharata for the benefit of the common man. But the internal purpose and ultimate reason for doing so was to guide the attention to Lord Krishna. In Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 3, chapter 5, verse 12 this is fully substantiated.

    Now, This Narada Muni was created/ initiated by Brahma in Satya Yuga (which is long long ago from when Veda/ Srimad Bhagavatam was composed). Veda/ Srimad Bhagavatam was composed 5000 years ago from now by Vedavyasa under the instruction of Narada Muni.




    How Satya Yuga's Narada Muni can appear in Kali Yuga?

    Please Prabhuji/ Mataji tell me if I am not even now  clear and I'm unable to make you understand what I want to know.


    Hare Krsna!

    • Volunteer

      Prabhus already answered the question Prabhu, aren't they?!

      They told that Narada Muni is the son of Lord Brahma. So Lord Brahma is still alive so his son Narada Muni as like any of Demigods can come to Earth planet so can do Narada Muni.

      Your servant, 

  • hare krishna,

    i don,t know where you got this information from,or i might have not understood your question properly.

    its soon after the birth of lord brahma he started creating the worlds mean planets,sun and moon then the living things it was soon after the enlightened kumaras four of them born from lord brahma, that the greatest of muni naradaji was born from lord brahmas mind. that was in the beginning of krita yuga.

    is this the answer you wanted,please let me know.

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