Dear Devotees, Pranam. Jai Srila Prabhupada!
We found that many of our devotees, even after spending thousands of rupee behind alopathey treatment no cure for some of wide spread Chronical Disease like Asthma, different kind of Cancers, Appetites and lever problems, Heart Problems, BP and many more....
Modern way of Treatment having more side effects then cure whereas our traditional treatment like Ayurveda, Panchagavya Chikitsa ( five ingredient obtain from Gau Maataa), Homeopathy etc. having perfect and permanent cure.
Precaution is batter then cure.
So, at last we formed a Group named "Happy & Healthy Naturally" on Hike plus Whatsapp.
Any one interested to discuss their health related problem and get tips or cure for the same can do following steps:
STEP - 1 : Save our number in your cell phone: 08979892588
STEP - 2 : Drop us massage, "Add IDT Heath List " on Hike or Whatsapp
STET - 3 : Admin team reserve right whether or not add person in our group or just keep on broadcasting list.
That's it!
In our Group, there are well experience Ayurvedic and Traditional Doctors who have treated many successfully and wish that all of our devotee can also get health tips or their personal guidance for healthy and happy life so one can perform once spiritual duties more nicely.
P.s. Do not comment your number here to add into group.
Hare Krishna.
your servant,
Gaur-gadadhar das
Hare Krishna