
  • thanxz ol devotees hare krishna

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna and Radha Krishna is the same thing. 

    We chant Hare Krishna Maha Mantra because our Guru Parampara told us to do so, as Rahul Prabhu mentioned.

    Lord Brahma got this Mantra from Lord Krishna and thought Narada Muni and Narada Muni his disciple Veda Vyas and he thought us.

    In other Sampradaya they chant as Radhe Krishna Radhe Krishna Krishna Krishna Radhe Radhe...because many people started to think that the word "Hare" does not refer to Shri Radha. In order to explain that Hare IS Radhe they started to chant Hare as Radha. But Lord Chaitanya told us to chant as Hare.

    Same power, same Personality.

    Your servant,  

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