Hare Krishna/ Vaishnava Kunti (Kanti) Necklace

Hare Krishna,

pamho, All glories to Srila prabhupada!

I saw that most of Hare Krsna devotees wear this beautiful necklace of tulasi beads. I was wondering if one needs to be initiated 1st before wearing one & what the number of strands means. It goes from 1 to 3 strands. What exactly is the meaning of it?


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  • Sevak

    I think you are mixing it up Mata Ji. Siksa Guru is anyone we learn from. He gives us knoledge. We read his books, listen to his lectures. But Diksha is giving initiation to disciple. The Diksha guru has to be some 1 who is still in this material world. They have to be face to face. 

    By the way, Srila Prabhupada has not "died", he is always with us. In the form of his books and his murti. We always talk about him. He just left the material body he was in and left for the spiritual world. He is likely with Krishna right now :) 

    Hari Bol! 

  • Sevak

    Hare Krishna. PAMHO. AGTSP. 

    Just a short and simple answer to you question: The process of initiation, according to ISKCON Law, is that one must first have chanted 16 rounds + strictly followed the 4 regulative principles for a minimum of 6 months before requesting a particular guru to accept them as a disciple. During this first 6 month period, the aspiring devotee is encouraged to develop a deep appreciation for Srila Prabhupada as the principle Siksa Guru for all members of ISKCON.

    At this time (6 months is a legislated minimum), the devotee may approach a spiritual master to accept him as a disciple, to give him shelter in Krsna Consciousness. A minimum of 6 months more must pass before that devotee can be formally initiated.

    Formal initiation is to be preceded by: (1) successfully answering the questions on a written exam, which is to be taken after one has decided to seek shelter from a particular spiritual master; this exam is to be administered by the local Temple President or their authorized representative unless one is in a remote place. (2) A written Letter of Recommendation for Initiation is to be given by the local Temple President prior to initiation taking place.
    Besides the formalities mentioned above, there is much internal preparation for initiation. The essence of this preparation for initiation begins by genuinely seeking acceptance of shelter of guru, or submission from the heart.

    This is the fruit of hearing regularly from someone who inspires you, through whom you feel Krishna is entering into your life.

    Communicating with or somehow developing a personal relationship with a prospective guru is often very helpful. You need to know the mood of the spiritual master, the points emphasized in their training, and you need to gradually imbibe in your OWN way these principle points of emphasis.

    You Servant. Hari Bol! 

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Bhaktin Nancy, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Tulasi neck-lesses we can wear when we follow 4 regulative principle.

    Those who are not initiated wear one line.

    Those who are initiated 2 lines.

    those who are second time initiated as Brahmana then 3 lines.

    Tulasi is not an ordinary tree. She is from Spiritual World. She is Vrinda Devi and She came to help us to serve to Krishna better. By wearing Tulasi we protect ourselves from all dirts and dangers.

    When we touch Tulasi our body purifies.

    Purity is strength.

    Your servant, 

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