happiness of material life

hare krsna



there is a expla nation of material life 

1] a man enters a forest and he sees anice  farm rivers fruits flowers nice weather

and as he is enters- he sees wild animals  are chasin- him he runs for his life

and falls in a deep well but luckily his  trapped by vine creeper so he his in the midst of the well

and as he sees up the wild animals ready to devour him and down deep in the well he sees poisonou snakes with ther fan-s ready to bite him and als he sees two rats  black and white cuttin- the creeper to which he his holdin - to  and above him there is a hone y b ee  drops of honey is fallin-

the rats were were consider to the day and ni-ht  and the honey the hapiness in family life

it would be nice some elaborate on this topic and also discuss the hapiness derinved in material life

and also the art of makin money

thank you hare krsna

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    Hare Krsna,


    His divine grace, A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami, has given explanations on material life in several books, especiallywith respect to the quotes that you mentioned in in the Srimad Bhagavatam, 5th Canto, chapter thirteen: 


    "The brahmana Jada Bharata became very kind to King Rahugana, and to disassociate him from the material world, he spoke figuratively of the forest of the material world. He explained that this material world is like a great forest in which one becomes entangled due to association with material life. In this forest there are plunderers (the six senses) as well as carnivorous animals like jackals, wolves and lions (wife, children and other relatives) who are always anxious to suck the blood from the head of the family. The forest plunderers and the carnivorous blood-sucking animals combine to exploit the energy of a man within this material world."


    "The conditioned soul in the material forest is sometimes swallowed by a python or crushed. At such a time he is left lying in the forest like a dead person, devoid of consciousness and knowledge. Sometimes other poisonous snakes bite him. Being blind to his consciousness, he falls down into a dark well of hellish life with no hope of being rescued.

    When one becomes unconscious due to being bitten by a snake, one cannot understand what is taking place outside the body. This unconscious condition is the condition of deep sleep. Similarly, the conditioned soul
    is actually sleeping on the lap of the illusory energy."


    "Sometimes, in order to have a little insignificant sex enjoyment, one searches after debauched women. In this attempt, one is insulted and chastised by the women's kinsmen. This is like going to take honey from a
    beehive and being attacked by the bees. Sometimes, after spending lots of money, one may acquire another woman for some extra sense enjoyment. Unfortunately, the object of sense enjoyment, the woman, is taken away or
    kidnapped by another debauchee." 


    "Sometimes the living entity in the forest of material existence takes shelter of creepers and desires to hear the chirping of the birds in those creepers. Being afraid of roaring lions in the forest, he makes
    friends with cranes, herons and vultures. In the forest of the material world there are many animals and birds,
    trees and creepers. Sometimes the living entity wants to take shelter of the creepers; in other words, he wants to be happy by being embraced by the creeperlike arms of his wife. Within the creepers there are many chirping birds; this indicates that he wants to satisfy himself by hearing the sweet voice of his wife. In old age, however, he sometimes
    becomes afraid of imminent death, which is compared to a roaring lion. To save himself from the lion's attack, he takes shelter of some bogus svamis, yogis, incarnations, pretenders and cheaters. Being misled by the
    illusory energy in this way, he spoils his life. It is said, harim vina mrtim na taranti: no one can be saved from the imminent danger of death without taking shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The word
    hari indicates the lion as well as the Supreme Lord. To be saved from the hands of Hari, the lion of death, one must take shelter of the supreme Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. People with a poor fund of
    knowledge take shelter of nondevotee cheaters and pretenders in order to be saved from the clutches of death. In the forest of the material world, the living entity first of all wants to be very happy by taking shelter of the creeperlike arms of his wife and hearing her sweet voice. Later. he sometimes takes shelter of so-called gurus and sadhus who are likecranes. herons and vultures. Thus he is cheated both ways by not taking shelter of the Supreme Lord."


    "One Hindi poet has sung: din ka dakini rat ka baghini palak palak rahucuse. During the daytime, the wife is compared to a witch, and at night she is compared to a tigress. Her only business is sucking the blood of her husband both day and night. During the day there are household expenditures, and the money earned by the husband at the cost of his
    blood is taken away. At night, due to sex pleasure, the husband discharges blood in the form of semen. In this way he is bled by his wife both day and night, yet he is so crazy that he very carefully maintains her. Similarly, the children are also like tigers, jackals and foxes. As tigers, jackals and foxes take away lambs despite the herdsman's vigilant
    protection, children take away the father's money, although the father supervises the money himself. Thus family members may be called wives and children, but actually they are plunderers."


    "The wealth and riches acquired through previous pious activities should not be misused for sense gratification. Enjoying them for sense gratification is like enjoying the fruits of a poisonous tree. Such activities will not help the conditioned soul in any way, neither in this life nor the next. However, if one engages his possessions in the service
    of the Lord under the guidance of a proper spiritual master. he will attain happiness both in this life and the next. Unless he does so, he eats a forbidden apple and thereby loses his paradise. Lord Sri Krsna therefore advises that one's possessions should be given unto Him.


    yat karosi yad asnasi
    yaj juhosi dadasi yat
    yat tapasyasi kaunteya
    tat kurusva mad-arpanam
    "O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me." (Bg. 9.27) Material wealth and opulence attained through previous pious activities can be fully utilized for one's benefit in this life and the next if one is Krsna conscious. One
    should not try to possess more than he needs for the bare necessities. If one gets more than is needed, the surplus should be fully engaged in the Lord's service. That will make the conditioned soul, the world and Krsna
    happy, and this is the aim of life."


    Hari Bol,

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