Glories of Lord Gauranga

Lord Rama killed the demons by using His arrow as His weapon, Lord Narasimha killed the demons by using His nails as His weapon, Lord Krishna killed the demons by using His sudarshan chakra as His weapon but Lord Gauranga killed the demons in the heart of the people by using the Holy Names of the Lord as His weapon. Lord Gauranga is the only incarnation that gave love of God even to the demons. Even the demon Kamsa who was killed by Lord Krishna was given love of God by Lord Gauranga before 500 years. Please note that Lord Krishna and Lord Gauranga are the same personalities and anyone who differentiates between them is a servant of Kaliyug. However since Lord Gauranga does not consider offenses His mercy on the conditioned souls is far more.

Following is from Navadvipa Dhaam Mahatmaya-

After saying this, Nityananda Prabhu took Jiva and quickly entered the Chand Kazi's village, where He said, "O Jiva, hear My words. The Chand Kazi's village is none other than Mathura. After performing kirtana, Gauranga gave love of God to the Kazi and liberated him. Mathura's King Kamsa of krishna-lila became Chand Kazi in gaura-lila. For that reason Gauranga addressed the Kazi as His maternal uncle, and out of fear the Kazi took shelter of Gauranga's lotus feet.


"Under orders from Hussain Shah, who was the king of the Bengal empire and Jarasandha in krishna-lila, the Kazi caused disturbance during kirtana performance by breaking the mridangas. The Lord, appearing in the form of Nrisimha, put fear in the Kazi's heart. Like Kamsa, the Kazi was covered in fear. Shri Chaitanya, however, gave him prema and thus made the Kazi a great devotee. The very fortunate hear this story of the Kazi's liberation.


"Just see the difference between Vraja-tattva and Navadvipa-tattva. Those who offend Krishna are liberated by merging into the Lord's effulgence, whereas in Navadvipa the offenders receive the treasure of love of God. Therefore, Lord Gauranga's pastimes are considered the highest. Gauranga's abode, name, form, and qualities do not consider offense; rather, they expertly deliver one from any offense. If the devotee has some offense in his heart, then Krishna's name and abode will deliver him only after a long time. But Gauranga's name and abode immediately bestow prema on the devotee, for offenses create no obstacle and are easily overcome. O Jiva, see the Kazi's samadhi. By seeing this samadhi the living entities' old age and disease are vanquished."

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