By H.H. Lokanath Swami Maharaja

Venue : London Date : 19/06/10 The Material world is hot and cold, young and old, birth and death, ladies and gents, etc. The list gets longer and longer. But the Maha-mantra is not from THIS world.

Whilst we were just chanting together, I had a thought that each one of us is chanting and we were all with Krsna, in the form of the holy name. For most of the year, we are not physically together, but wherever we are, we chant and we are with Krsna. Therefore in this way we stay together. It is the easiest way to remain together.

When Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu was getting ready to take sannyasa, everyone was naturally thinking that "we shall be deprived of His association!" Mahaprabhu spent 24 years together with His associates and then suddenly in the middle of the night He left and decided to take sannyasa. Prior to His departure He gave a speech to pacify and console. "No No! I will live with you in two forms! The first one, I will stay in the form of the holy name (chanting). Even when I am gone, keep chanting". Caitanya Mahaprabhu is non-different from the holy name. So, one avatar of Mahaprabhu is the Holy Name.

kali kale nama rupe krsna avatara
nama haite haya sarva jagat nistara

"In this Age of Kali, the holy name of the Lord, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, is the incarnation of Lord Krsna. Simply by chanting the holy name, one associates with the Lord directly. Anyone who does this is certainly delivered. (CC Adi 17.22)

The Lord appears in every age. But in the Holy Name, He appears to all of us, unlimited, everywhere, everyday for each and every one of us! Even in THIS tent. The Lord appears at midday (Rama), in the middle of the night (Krsna) and during dusk (Caitanya Mahaprabhu/Nrsimhadeva) and so on. But Krsna's holy name is ready to appear every day! Everywhere! And to Everyone! It is the beauty, the Lord making Himself accessible to everyone, and we all, each one of us, have our very own Lord. In this form He can become our cherished property.


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