Fwd: No room for hypocrisy...

No room for hypocrisyOver time one may become expert at using the scriptures to one’s advantage. Overeating gets justified as ‘honoring the Lord’s remnants.’ The body becomes a ‘temple of the Lord’ and therefore is given utmost care. Family responsibilities are avoided by becoming ‘transcendental to bodily relations.’ Mistakes are shrugged off as ‘the Lord’s desire.’ Lethargy and laziness are justified as ‘not over endeavoring for mundane things.’ The highest renunciation becomes ‘renouncing renunciation.’ These are all hypocritical actions. One’s behavior must be consistent with one’s level of realization. God is within us as the Supersoul. He knows all our thoughts, our desires and our intents. When we behave in a hypocritical manner, we are only harming our spiritual lives and bewildering the innocent.Hare Krsna...

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  • Volunteer
    I ask myself, why didnt I perform Sankirtana today? Its just about all the above.
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