Free Will

hk prjis/matajis,


I understand Lord Krishna has given us free will to choose.

In 1 of other discussion in this forum, it is explained that 4 things are predetermined in life.

1. Death Time

2. Wealth

3. Education

4. Intellect

Almost all things in life revolve around these 4. All the things!

We have a free will (By lords mercy and devotees mercy ) to choose if we want to take up Devotional Service. But does it mean that materially we all are just puppets ( Materially these 4 decide person's life ) ?

(i understand that even tho destined, if we dnt act then destined wont be achieved)

Can anyone please throw little light on this.

yas ashay

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    Hare Krishna,

    The law of karma not only acts in one lifetime, It is a process of action and reaction which follows life after life unless one surrenders to Lord Krishna.

    The four things which are mentioned are determined by karma which that particular soul carries along with it due to past actions.

    Therefore before doing any action, freewill is given for us to choose whether to do it or not. But after doing the action, the reaction will come in some way or the other.

    Ex: If we have taken a ticket to mumbai and sat in train, we cannot expect to reach delhi. But within that train which is reaching mumbai, we have freewill to decide whether we want to quarrel with our neighbor or make nice friendship with him, which may later help us in turn. 

    As Vidura says to Dhrtarastra : "The consequences of actions are fixed, not the actions themselves", this explains the law of karma clearly.

    Thank you

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