Please Accept My Humble Obeisances, Dandavats, and Sorrowful Apologies.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All Glories to Sri Gurudeva and Sripad Gauranga.

Hare Krishna

I have not been a good devotee.

Some days I have not made 16 rounds.

Some days I have not been a good devotee of Sri Mahaprabhu.

Some days I could have preached, but I was worried about what people would ridicule me about. 

Please Forgive this fallen wretch of a soul. I am most unfortunate to offend such high devotees of Sriman Mahaprabhu. I am entrapped in Mahamaya. I hope that Yogamaya will reveal Herself to me in order to engage me in the service of the devotees and the Supreme Lord. Please take my humble apologies, as I am so terribly sorry that I have not fulfilled my vows and duties.

Your fallen servant,

Bhakta David

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  • Volunteer
    please do not be sad Prabhuji but try to associate with Devotees as more as You have possibility.
    If You have chance to go to Mangala Arati to the Temple then start that and chant in the association of Devotees.
    And attend Bhagavatam, also dance in Krtans and Devotees will help You.
    Your servant,
  • HK, truly moved by your message.

    I have to learn to be like you Pr, all glories to you.

    Your aspiring servant,

    KA Prabbu

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna David P

    please accept my humble obeisances



    Your humility and determination is shown by the fact that you are lamenting for your mistakes and asking for forgiveness. It is not a mistake if you learn from it and try with sincerity to not repeat it, it will become a blessing in disguise. Please do not worry. Lord Chaitanya is very merciful. Try with sincerity, integrity and determination with patience, and you will see wonderful results in your devotional service. If you take full shelter of Krsna, then there is no power in the 3 worlds that can stop you from achieving your goal. Do not worry. Krsna is there to help all of us..

    Your insignificant servant

    rakesh roshan

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