Few questions on Subtle Body

Hare Krishna!

1. Is Subtle body (mind, intelligence and false Ego) is always constant (all  the same) for a particular soul irrespective of its gross body?

For example, Today I am a human being. I have a subtle body. If I get an Animal Body in my next life, will my Subtle Body remain same in the animal body?

2. What happens to the subtle body in the time after death  and before getting a new life?

Does  it stick to the soul and covers it even after death?

3.where can I find in Srimad Bhagavatam about the very details subtle body ?

4. Do ghosts have the subtle body?

5. Can  we see ghosts without gross body? If it does not take a gross body then what is the shape of the ghost? Because Subtle body cannot be seen.

I am so eager to hear about this  from prabhuji and Mataji.

Hari Bol!

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  • Hare Krsna Prji

    1) Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.29.60

    The great sage Nārada continued: The living entity acts in a gross body in this life. This body is forced to act by the subtle body, composed of mind, intelligence and ego. After the gross body is lost, the subtle body is still there to enjoy or suffer. Thus there is no change.

    Purport: The living entity has two kinds of body — the subtle body and the gross body. Actually he enjoys through the subtle body, which is composed of mind, intelligence and ego. The gross body is the instrumental outer covering. When the gross body is lost, or when it dies, the root of the gross body — the mind, intelligence and ego — continues and brings about another gross body. Although the gross bodies apparently change, the real root of the gross body — the subtle body of mind, intelligence and ego — is always there. The subtle body's activities — be they pious or impious — create another situation for the living entity to enjoy or suffer in the next gross body. Thus the subtle body continues whereas the gross bodies change one after another.

    2) The gross body may change, but the subtle body continues to act. Unless the living entity gets another gross body, he will have to continue in a subtle body, or a ghostly body. One becomes a ghost when the subtle body acts without the help of the instrumental gross body.

    Source - http://vedabase.net/sb/4/29/61/en

    3) Talks Between Nārada and King Prācīnabarhi


    4) Yes

    5) Yes, we can see or feel ghost ...

    There are two coverings on soul

    Subtle & Gross ...

    When we are situate in Gross body we do have subtle body (generally covered by gross), so from subtle body we can perceive another subtle body or say Ghost but not from Gross ...

    Shape depend upon the impression of last gross body.

    All the activities performed by the living entity in the subtle body are called illusory because they are not permanent. Liberation means getting out of the clutches of the subtle body.

  • 1. These things change in content and intensity in every birth.

    If you are in the human body and u take the body of the animal in ur next life means that in the human body you had feelings of hanger hatred, animal intelligence, brute force and fear in abundance ; hence you achieved an animal body in the first place!!

    2. Depending on the progress and the things that u did all your life not related to bhakti; will influence your subtle body at the time of death. It sticks and imprisons the soul not only after this death but in subsequent deaths till the time the you get relieved from it while being present in the material body.

    3.Canto 1. Chapter 3. Verse 33 in the Bhagavatham is interesting.

    4. Ghosts have extremely hard subtle bodies ; so hard that they are almost like physical gross body!!

    5. The shapes of the Ghosts depends on the trapped emotions of the ghosts based on the events in its life that caused it to become a ghost and hence they have fearful shapes anyways. If you contain emotions deep rooted inside you congruent to that of the ghost then you may be able to feel its presence ; maybe not see it!!!

    Prabhuji; overall you are wasting precious time..and I have waster precious time by still writing to you..Anyways..focus more on Chanting and devotional service.

    Read More....

  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    Subtle body consists of mind, intelligence and false ego. When the soul leaves the gross body, it is carried to the next body by the subtle body, the way air carries any fragrance. Therefore, as long as the soul is in the material world, it has the same subtle body.

    It is written in one of the purports of Srimad Bhagavatam that by devotional service, the subtle body gets melted and the soul is then able to leave the material world.

    Ghosts is also one yoni, life form. THat is the body for that life form. The subtle body is there at that time also.


    Your servant.

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