Hare Krsna Devotees,
I am a commoner and also a beginner in K.C, In my family, my uncle is having constant fights with his wife. His age is around 52 and his wife around 50. From the time of marriage till now they are constantly in conflicts where he even beats her. Yesterday my Aunty i.e his wife came to us and shared her pains after a long time. She said, now your Uncle is going around the town and declaring that I am going to remarry because there is no one to take care of him or the house.(His wife is unable to bear the pain and is now living in her mother's house alone). We counselled him not to do this act but he said, when other people in town are having two wives, why shouldn't I? He is a common man and is working as Govt employee as well doing purohit work.
My question is, is a common man permitted to keep more than a wife as per our scriptures?
I heard in a lecture that a common man is not allowed to keep more than a wife whereas the kshatriyas are allowed to? Please correct me where I am wrong and also clear this doubt of mine
Two Wives: for "everyone"?
One women is an expensive & emotional proposition*
& Hi's emotions are not mastered yet! Strike one(×)
Wealth the women need to get along well & generate incomes He can Stay home & make things like rings by punching holes into, and shaping Coins/Tokens into ring$.
But some darma everyday because a Heard in-talloret heart is not pleasing for anyone. So, Tantra He must be awair of the Value found in Universal Unconditional Comunyen i.e. Love makN.
Taw "The Ways of Nature" & The Greater Good," The Chi's The Chakras & The 4
Yin-Yang Gates. A strong working knowledge of physical camunacation will be required with growth as an aim reather than Self Indulgences. He may wind up a "glowWorm" in His next life ' having pretended throughout this one that It is He who deserves to shine. A Bogus leader has only pride & that is fakedn!*?
Hare krishna , you will not find solutions here , its a serious Matter and requires Counselling , what about their Childrens ,
Thank you Prabhujis for your kind advice.
Situation is not that good. My empathy is with the sufferers. As per law of the land, Hindu man can not have more than 1 wife.