harekrishna ,pls accept my humble obeisances, AGTSGAG,AGTSP,

if we have firm faith that every thing is happening by the will of Sri krishna then we need not to protect ourself or to protect others.and even not need to thing i am doing good or bad.getting profit or loss,she/he is ugli or beauti,

only our duties to follow the footstep of Guru Maharaja,srila prabhupada,great achariya and according to Sastras Bhagavad gita, Mahabharata,vedas.the God given sufficiant knowledge to every living entity, am i Right?


Srikrishna says to Arjuna that "I am giving you perfect knowledge." This is our process. We receive knowledge from the perfect person. There is no use getting knowledge from imperfect person. That is useless waste of time. And who is perfect person?  

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  • Jai Shri Krishna..


    The perfect person is Krishna Conscious not 90%not 50% but 100%.  An example of a perfect person is Jagat Guru Srila Prabhupad.  I've also located a little info on the net, although you will find even better answers from the sastras.

    Go to this link: http://www.prabhupadanugas.eu/?p=7884


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