Ekadshi fast

Hare Krsna, 

Please accept my humble obesiances,

Glories to Shrila Prabhupada, 

The thing is Ive always wanted to fast on ekadashi, ive done some partial fastings as well. But my parents dont allow me to fast on ekadashi. They thing that im too young to fast for Ekadashi. Since, they do not allow me to fast, and today its Varuthini Ekadashi, and Saturday.

Every Saturday, our family gathers and has meal together and I cant make any excuses. They will force me to eat. But tomorrow I can fast, is it possible to do alternative ekadashi for Krsna if my condition is too worse to observe a fast. Instead I will chant and also do mangala aarati and evening gaura every day. I pray to Krsna to forgive me for my stupid excuses and pray to Shri Narsimha deva for clearing obstacles on my path of bhakti. So, can i do a alternative fast tomorrow jnstead of today to compensate this ekadashi? 
please answe me dear devotees.

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  • "They thing that im too young to fast for Ekadashi."

    What is your age? Ask them to provide sastra pramana. Here's one with Ekadasi-compulsory age range:

    astavarsadhiko martyo apurnasiti vatsarah
    ekadasyam upavaset paksayor ubhayor api

    From the age of eight to the age of eighty, a person should fast on all of the Ekadasis on both the light and the dark parts of the month. (HBV 12.75, from Katyayana smrti)

    HBV stands for Hari Bhakti Vilasa, a compendium of sastric quotes on various subjects.

    If you're underage and forced to eat by your family, then eat only Ekadasi-friendly foods.

    "So, can i do a alternative fast tomorrow jnstead of today to compensate this ekadashi?"

    At least once Srila Prabhupada asked devotees to fast on Dvadasi when they broke Ekadasi, as a punishment. But to call it a 100% replacement would need sastra pramana and I'm not aware of it. If someone can supply it, I'll add it to my article on Ekadasi (remove spaces): veda.harekrsna. cz/ encyclopedia/ ekadasi.htm

    (There is also quoted the above mentioned lila.)

    Hari Hari
    ys J.

    • Hari bol! Prabhu thank you so much for your guidance, I will observe a fast tomorrow though it will not compensate this auspicious day. I will also observe the pandava nirjala ekadashi to ask Govinda to forgive my offenses and to show some mercy upon me and engage me in the service of all vaushnavas and lotus feet. 

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