Ekadashi story about grains and cereals

Hare Krishna,

today i listen that have a history about why we don't eat grains and cereals in Ekadashi days. But devotes didn't remenber very well the history. Is anyone that knows that?

i know the history about Ekadashi devi dasi, now i would like to know the history about why not eat grains and cereals in this days.

Thank you.

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    These days Sin personified is allowed to enter and stay in grains by the blessings of Lord Hari;

    So Devotees avoid a single grain; Because each grain is full of sins.

    Also it says that on 11th days of full and dark Moon liquid in the body becomes active;

    Grains give power to the body; But if we give power to the body when liquid is active it will increase lusty desires;

    Automatically these two days living beings become lusty, so Devotees try to decrease that lust by fasting; not feeding the senses; to dry the liquid. 

    Your servant, 

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