Dandwat Pranam
I recently heard that you are not supposed to sleep during Ekadashi night, is this true. Will my Ekadashi fast still count if I sleep at night because my parents wont let me stay awake through the night to do kirtan.
Thank you.
There are various versions of following Ekadasi. Staying awake in the night belongs to the full version. Even if one doesn't stay awake the whole night, a part of the night is better than nothing.
Srila Prabhupada didn't introduce this version so for his followers it's a matter of choice to follow it or not. I personally follow the version described by Hari Sauri P. as practiced during SP vyakta lila: half-day full fast, then individually Ekadasi prasadam (best choice is anukalpa).
Ekadasi info is found in Haribhaktivilasa 13. On my website (in profile) there is an overview.
Hari Hari
ys J.