


I have two queries regarding the Ekadashi Fast..

First, why sendha salt is allowed to be eaten and not the ordinary one for the fast?

second, why is it so that there are two consecutive Ekadashis and it is normally said that one is for grahast and one for sanyasis? why the distinction? thank you



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  • Hare krishna !!!

             Jai gurudev !!! Jai prabhupada !!!

                         Answere to your second question : There is no Distinction like that Ekadasi means fasting for all the Varna and All the Ahrama .. Ekadasi means its day of hari.. krishna is very pleased that day who ever fast.. there is wonderful past time of lord it will be avilable in every ekadasi glorification.. Ekadasi is devi who is appeared from the lords body during perfectly on Ekadasi day mean 11th day of waxing / wanning moon ..one of the Ekadasi glorification explains when the Demon Mura is become very powerful no body could fight against him including all the devi and devas he become the winner of all the planet than there is powerful women appered from the body of visnu and very powerfully fight against this Mura demon and killed him so visnu is so happy and asked the lady what benitection u need she said during ekadasi whoever fast award him all the opulance and finally award them your eternal abode than vinsu is awarded and than vinus also promised to that devi all my devotees will fast on your day that is ekadasi because she also appreared on 11th day so its very glories to fast on that day we have to remember the lord more by chanting.. so everybody should fast without any varna or ashrama.


    Hare krishna

    Jai prabhupada

    Your Servant

    Rasika Govinda Das

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