Easiest way to make Devotee

Hare Krishna,

From my personal experience i have found the easiest way to make devotee is to take them to ISKCON Mayapur , stay for few days and attend all programs. If the person is not demonic he will begin to chant and will become a devotee.Krishna showers his mercy more there by seeing the standard of Iskcon  always engaged in Kirtan.

Please share your experience of easy ways to make devotee.

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  • Volunteer

    yes, association is very important. For example, one couple of girl friend and boyfriend came once to Radha Gopinath Mandir Chowpatty at the time of Guru Puja (powerful kirtan).

    So everyone was dancing and they were sitting in the chair and just being scared or something like that. Than we invited girlfriend to the side of Matajis and send a boyfriend to the side of Prabhujis and thought them how to dance. Kirtan went intensive and intensive.  For Devotees it was not difficult to dance continuously for many hours but this couple became tired they sat for some time and again started to dance... in this way they started to laugh and feel free as like at home...

    But it would not work in my case. Because i really was someone with demoniac qualities. If that Devotee who gave me Bhagavad Gita first invited me to the Temple then i would not accept KC at all. But after reading Srila Prabhupada's mercy changed my heart.

    So Krishna knows how to bring each of us closer to Him. Jai Jai Gopinath!

    Your servant,  

  • Volunteer

    Yes the same can be said of Vrindavan.

    Great idea. Hare Krishna

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