Does everything that is spiritual have consciousness ?

It is said that everything in the spiritual world is spiritual so everything has consciousness. To this people argue that how is it possible that the bed, residence, ornaments of Krishna have consciousness ? So people conclude that everything in the spiritual world does not have consciousness. However this is not true as everything that is spiritual has consciousness and in the spiritual world everything is spiritual. To understand this in detail I would like to quote the following verse from Chaitanya Bhagavata-

CB Adi-khanda 1.44


sakha, bhai, vyajana, shayana, avahana

griha, chatra, vastra, yata bhushana, asana


Lord Balarama serves Krishna in ten different ways, as His friend, brother, fan, bed, carrier, residence, umbrella, garments, ornaments, and sitting place.

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  • Volunteer

    // To this people argue that how is it possible that the bed, residence, ornaments of Krishna have consciousness ? So people conclude that everything in the spiritual world does not have consciousness.

    You cannot appreciate transcendental matters with the reasoning of the world. It is sheer nonsense to decry them with the measuring stick of your intellect. -Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur.

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna !!

    See there is a difference between material world and spiritual world. The material world is created of the inferior energy of Lord but spiritual world is an expansion of internal potency of Lord and it is this internal potency that gives Krishna pleasure. It is stated in Bramha Samhita:


    tabhir ya eva nija-rupataya kalabhih

    Everything in spiritual world is an expansion of Shrimati Radharani who resembles Krishna's own spiritual figure and who is the embodiment of Krishna's ecstatic potency.

    Everything in spiritual world is an expansion of this potency-the gopis, gopas, cattles, trees, grasses, stones , even Krishna's own dress and ornaments. They are all manifestation of His pleasure potency or ecstatic potency. They are all meant to serve Krishna and give Krishna pleasure. So unless they are conscious, how can they serve Him and give Him pleasure ? We  shouldn't confuse them with the inert objects of the mundane world that are created of Krishna's inferior energy. When Krishna would walk on the streets of Vrindavan, the thorns lying on the streets would hide themselves in corners lest His lotus feet which is softer than butter gets hurt. That is how they used to serve Krishna.The trees got goosebumps in ecstasy when Krishna touched them and under the pretext of shedding leaves and fruits, they would actually shower their gratitude to the Lord.

    Plz correct me, dear devotees, if I'm wrong anywhere.

  • Volunteer

    soul's function is consciousness. Where is spirit soul it means conscious - alive. But material things are dead. Because they are from the external energy of Krishna.

    So in spiritual world nothing is from external energy of Krishna in this way everything is alive. Milk, roses, dust, flute, Bamboo, water, wind...:D so nice he he 

    Your servant,  

  • Volunteer

    Dear Veeral Prabhuji, please could You use words which simple people can understand!

    I am so fool in Sanskrit that it is very difficult to understand.

    Your servant in serving to Srila Prabhupada!

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