
  • Hari Hari Prabhu,

    where did you get this idea from? Social behavior is defined in dharmasastras describing duties of varnas and asramas and their interactions. Otherwise there would be a chaos.

    Various kandas and margas are a personal choice but dharma is the basis and Vedic kings must protect it.

    ys J.

    • Krsna chastised Arjuna.

      Asocyan anvasocas tvam prajna-vadams ca bhasase:

      "While speaking learned words, you are lamenting for what is not worthy of grief." (Bg 2.11)

      Similarly. among people in general, 99.9 percent try to talk like experienced advisers, but they are actually devoid of spiritual knowledge and are therefore like inexperienced children speaking nonsensically. Consequently their words cannot be given any importance. One has to learn from Krsna or His devotee. If one speaks on the basis of this experience- that is, on the basis of spiritual knowledge- one's words are valuable. At the present moment, the entire world is full of foolish people. Bhagavad-gita describes these people as mudhas. They are trying to rule human society, but because they are devoid of spiritual knowledge, the entire world is in a chaotic condition."

      Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.11.1 purport


    • Hare Krsna Prabhu

      This is explained in the short introduction to the 11th chapter of the 5th Canto: Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana.

      Actually a person who is on the transcendental platform does not care for social behavior that sacrifices spiritual advancement.

      The conditioned soul is always overpowered by the modes of material nature, and consequently he is simply concerned with material benefits and auspicious and inauspicious material things. In other words, the mind, which is the leader of the senses, is absorbed in material activities life after life. Thus he continuously gets different bodies and suffers miserable material conditions. On the basis of mental concoction, social behavior has been formulated. If one's mind is absorbed in these activities, he certainly remains conditioned within the material world. Although mental concoctions have no value, their influence is still very formidable. One should kill mental concoctions by the sword of service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotee (guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija).

      Hari Bol

      • From my reply and especially the last sentence it's clear that I speak of Vedic social behavior of varnasrama which supports spiritual advancement.

        Hari Hari

        ys J.

        • The varnasrama system is a scientific division of the society so that gradually everyone can attain the transcendental position. Please read the question properly, I'm asking whether someone already situated in the transcendental position needs to follow the varnasrama dharma, social behavior especially? He may follow so as not to disrupt the society but is he obliged? He is already taking superior guidance every moment to moment from Krsna and His representative.

          Hari Bol

        • Hare Krsna

          Varnasrama-dharma is a scientific division of the social order that helps us to attain the transcendental position. As long as we have not attained the transcendental position it behooves us to follow the Varnasrama system.

          This question is for the person already situated in the transcendental position. For example, If a sudra becomes a Vaisnava, then is he obliged to carry on with the duties of sudra? Or has he transcended the position of all the divisions and may do as he is guided by the Supersoul from within his heart without any obligations to the rules and regulations of the Varnasrama. If we study the life of Jada Bharata, although he was born in a brahmana family, we come to know that he was acting like a dumb, deaf and dull person just to avoid the association of those who were not transcendentally situated. asat sanga tyaga ei vaisnava acara.

          • Hari Bol
          • "Transcendental position" is a wide range, starting from diksa up to paramahamsa.

            In daivi varnasrama devotees still continue with their work etc. and add spiritual practice.

            Out of many paramahamsas following asat sanga tyaga only a few adopt an avadhuta lifestyle like Jada Bharata.

            Hari Hari

            ys J.

            • Hare Krsna Prabhu

              Dandawat Pranam

              Jada Bharat was at the top most transcendental platform. Initiation doesn't mean attaining perfection. The word 'bhagavan' has also been used in context with Jada Bharata. 

              Hari Bol

              • Initiation is the beginning of "transcendental position" you mentioned. There is a gradation of perfection in transcendence.

                Hari Hari

                ys J.

                • Yes,

                  you are right!

                  Hari Bol

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