dnt understand whts hpng

hare krsna all


act m a vy studious persn............bt dis days as m living in a hostel nd nw-a-days i hav developed a gud frndship wid ma seniors nd though ma exams r gg on i skip ma studies nd go on wasting ma valuable time in gossiping wid them............

i knw its nt good bt dnt knw y still m getting entangled in all dis things.............

plz suggest me smthing so dat i can again concentrate on ma studies nd dnt waste ma mind in bullshit talks..........

nd ha evn ma seniors shud nt feel dat m ignoring dem................

ur servant







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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    SINCERITY. Here we have to be sincere to both sides: to senior friends and to Krishna.

    To senior Friends we have to explain that we can not spend so much time on speaking but i have really to study my subjects. And if they are intelligent and respect You then they will agree with You and do not get angry to You.

    But if even though they do not leave You and say that: "oh, Your subjects are more important than us...oh..."

    it means they do not have enough intelligence and respect to You. They do not care for You, they do not care that You will fail exams etc.

    And here Krishna gives advice:


    dog howls but the caravan moves forward.


    i also have such like  un understandable  friends, i say to them that i do not have time for USELESS talks, useless CHATS, useless, useless, useless things! but they again disturb me. then i just keep silence. let be what it be!

    i told once, and it is done!

    Your servant, 

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Mataji. Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

    practising KC seriously needs determination. Determination depends on purity of mind.Purity of mind depends on displined action. Action again depends on eating,mating,sleeping,defending. Now we should be very careful that we are not breaking the 4 regulative principle, chanting 16 rounds regularly and along with this what is most important is associating with devotees , without which spiritual progress is not possible for fallen soul like us in this age..NOT POSSIBLE.

    Now who is a friend?

    No one is Friend except Krishna , Guru ,Devotees and Shastras. whom you think as friend,they are nothing but selfish sense gratifier who needs other people thus they can gratify their senses in better way. unnecessary mixing with non devotees means meaningless materialistic talking which increase desire within us for material enjoyment.

    Now the situation is you are controlled by the mind and senses, hence you have to control your mind and senses and that needs association with devotees,determination and discipline in action.


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