Different kind of spiritual activies

I have been visiting ISKCON temple for quite some time.

While I have developed interest in activities like
1. reading all sorts of spiritual books, including Bhagvad Gita and lot of Srila Prabhupada books 
2. attending lectures delivered at ISKCON temples by renowned speakers
3. participating in Kirtans and offcourse having the delicious prasadam :)

However, I have not been able to develop much interest in chanting, doing deity worship/puja at home and such activities.

I know a lot of importance is given to regular chanting. Though I do completely enjoy the Hare Krishna in kirtan form at the temple, I am unable to do chanting on my own at regular basis.

My question is how important is it to perform the other activities I have mentioned including deity worship/puja at home 
Would it be considered that my spiritual inclination is not serious unless I start doing these other activities ?

Hare Krishna.

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  • E-Counselor

    Hare KRsna Prabhuji,


    Chanting is considered to be the most important spiritual activity. It is food for the soul - if you do all the other activities and do not chant, then you are setting up the entire electric connection, wires and bulbs and fans etc, but not putting the switch on.

    Deity worship or puja at home can be given a miss if you are not particularly inclined to it - because deity worship is the yuga dharma of Dwapar, but naam sankirtana is the only means for deliverance in Kaliyuga. you have to chant - otherwise gradually the other activities will stop.

    I can tell you one example - for a period of more than 15 years, when I first started chanting, that was the only activity I did, apart from reading Gita every night (that too stopped after 7-8 years) without any association at all. Then I got association of devotees and it was like getting a second lease of life, and now I am completely immersed. I give credit to the 15 odd years I chanted without association that I can do so much now.

    Chanting is very important prabhuji. You chant/ force yourself to chant without any concentration also, for a period of 6 months and then you review your own thoughts, actions and reactions. You will realise the change in your own consciousness. Once you realise that, your chanting will not stop, come what may. Noone has to come and tell us to chant, it enters the blood stream, we cannot do without chanting. It IS food for the soul, my personal experience also says so. The best part is - there are no rules, no cleanliness, austerity, tantra mantra to be maintained - anywhere and anyhow you can chant. To realise what I am saying, you have to chant minimum 4 rounds for 6 months, nothing will happen with one round.

    I can give you so many examples of how chanting affects one and how if one chants, at the right time, one turns to the holy name for guidance and can even come out of life threatening situations without a scratch. Anyone who chants will vouch for my statements. People have individual personal realisations while chanting.

    How can you not chant prabhuji?

    If you are still not inspired to pick up the beads and start chanting, then make it a point to do kirtan of mahamantra every morning and evening in your house for min half an hour each and try to keep track of how many times you took the mahamantra. Automatically, you will realise that it is faster to chant and you will start. Pray prabhuji. Pray very very sincerely to Nityanand prabhu to bless you so that you are able to chant.

    Please please start chanting prabhuji and give us the good news that you have started chanting.


    YOur servant,


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