
  • Islam and Christianity believe God as formless (niraakaar). You will not find any single sect of Islam or Christianity which believes God as having a divine form in his abode.

    Though some devotee may try to explain you that in Islam or Christianity, God has been mentioned as having a divine form and that God is Krishna, one should take such talks as 'harmonization of inconsistent scriptures just to establish unity in diversity'. In fact, there will be many misinterpretations in their attempt to harmonize completely inconsistent scriptures.

    Quran and Bible talk only about heaven (swarga)and hell (naraka) and not Golokdham. They don't have any mention of Krishna.

    We need to understand that we people of Bharat-Khand are very fortunate to have been gifted with real knowledge of truth in the form of Vedas, Puranas and Itihasas. Fraction of this truth was given to Arabs & Europeans in a tailored form to suit their eligibility. 

    If you want to check out yourself, read these pdf Bible and Quran : 

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