Dhurva Maharaj and material desires ?

Hare Krishna. All glories to Shrila Prabhupada.

Dear devotees, I had a query and would be grateful if anyone could throw light on it.

Dhruva Maharaj wanted to worship Lord Narayan to fulfill material desires. Still Narada Muni agreed to initiate him in the Narayan mantra. Can you please guide me that if it is an offense to chant the name of Lord Narayan with material desires then why did Narada Muni not educate him to chant without material desires and if he was determined to chant with material desires then why did Narada Muni initiate him ? May be one reason could be that Narada Muni knew that if Dhruva Maharaj would chant the name of Narayan then he would become free from material desires but still isn't it an offense to initiate a disciple when he is yet not educated enough to chant without material desires

Another query I had is that when Lord Narayana appeared before Dhruva Maharaj, he told the Lord that he only wanted love of God and not the fulfillment of his material desires. This means that now he was purified and his intelligence had returned to normal still why did the Lord fulfill his material desires when he did not have desires any more ?

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    I think Lord accepted the position of the gate keeper there.

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    Hare Krishna Mihar Pr.


    First of all, we need to understand one thing about Dhruva is that he was a 5 year old boy when he went to forest in search of Lord. Though for material desire, but his approach was to meet Lord Vishnu. Narada tried to send him back by telling him to tolerate the insult made by his step mother. But Dhruva being a sktriya could not accept that. So he initiated him to the chanting of the names of Narayana.The problem with us is that we try to compare the personalities in these past time to ourselves and think why he was given this opportunity and not me..... But just know that when we were 5 we did not even had any knowledge of doing such austerities.

    Further on your question about Lord fulfilling the material desire, what we miss seeing here is that when Lord Vishnu appeared in front of Dhruva, he was already purified of all material desires to the extent that he had stopped even breathing. As Maral mataji nicely explained about material energy comparing to a girl, Lord awarded him all the wealth when he did not had any desire to enjoy it. When you do not have desire for material wealth, and you are given the wealth at that time, for sure it will be used for the service of Lord.

    In BG, Krishna says that if some one approaches him for material desires, he is still considered to be better than the rest of the people because at least they are going to the source and not trying to bribe some demi gods. But what our aacharyas explain us is that when we are begging form a very wealthy person, we should not ask for something very small. We should try to ask for the most valuable the wealthy person has. In this case, Krishna is the wealthy person and the most precious thing he has is love of God. So after understand all this, why to ask for something cheap...???

    Hari bol!!!



    narada muni wanted him to chant the lord holynames although he had material desires because slowly those desires will go away if one chants the holy name offensely.the lord showed that he fullfils even the material desires of devotees to teach non devotees a lesson that they may approach him somehow in future. he did this to show his love for dhruva to his step mother surichi.


    • Volunteer

      Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

      Material energy is like a girl. when boy does not look to the girl she decorates herself in order to attract the attention of a boy. Slowly boy attracts to her and looses his intelligence. That time girl escapes. but when boy again controlling his senses becomes strong then girl again comes back.

      In this way, in this material world mostly  we get what we do not want and do not get what we want. For example, we do not want sufferings but they are always with us one after another. We want happiness but it is hardly with us.

      When one fully looses attachment to worldly desires like prestige, glory, wealth...then these things will run after such like a person.


      Also in Bhagavat Gita Krishna says that forget all other religions just surrender to Me and I will take care of you. He also says that He will give what is lack in a Devotee and what he needs. When Devotee is qualified to use big wealth then Krishna gives him that because now that wealth won't spoil him. But if a Devotee is not ready, then Krishna will take away everything from him in order to protect him.

      When Dhruva Maharaja was strong becoming detached from material desires Lord fulfilled all his previous desires in order Dhruva Maharaja could use that wealth in the service of Lord, without any pride.


      in Bhagavad Gita it also says that 4 types of pious people approach God:

      1. those who are in need

      2. those who suffer

      3. those who are interested in everything

      4. those who search for Absolute truth.

      Krishna says that among them those who search for the Absolute is the best. Because others like those who look for material things might leave him when their desires are fulfilled. But the 4th won't leave easily.

       All these people are considered pious. And it is not bad to approach Krishna even with material desires. 

      We are not pure Devotees. Bhakti is the easiest process because even our material desires we can use in the service of Krishna. For example, if we want to eat nice food we can cook and offer to Krishna then honor ourselves. Or if we have desire for opposite sex then we can enter into Grihastha ashram and make from home a Temple and serve to Krishna with all family members....

      Your servant, 

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