
  •  without melting the heart , there is no devotion   :
    SB 11.14.22 — Neither religious activities endowed with honesty and mercy nor knowledge obtained with great penance can completely purify one’s consciousness if they are bereft of loving service to Me.
    SB 11.14.23 — If one’s hairs do not stand on end, how can the heart melt? And if the heart does not melt, how can tears of love flow from the eyes? If one does not cry in spiritual happiness, how can one render loving service to the Lord? And without such service, how can the consciousness be purified?
    SB 11.14.24  A devotee whose speech is sometimes choked up, whose heart melts, who cries continually and sometimes laughs, who feels ashamed and cries out loudly and then dances — a devotee thus fixed in loving service to Me purifies the entire universe.
    • Hare Krishna Dean nicely u've said!

  • Chanting the name of the Lord Consciously is the Key. To be steadfast and increase the intensity of remembrance visit the Holy Dhama of the Lord atleast once a year in the association of devotees.

    • Nice Prabhuji...thanks for the link too.

      Jai Shri Krishna

  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    The password is the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra. Attentive chanting, preferably at mangal muhurta, is the key. Once you start doing that and then following the 4 regulative principles, nobody can shake you. Krsna will help you and provide what you lack and preserve what you have (Yogakshemam Vahamyayam).


    Your servant,


    • Mataji thanks for your reply...will you please elaborate about the 4 regulative principles as I'm very new into KC.

      Jai Shri Krishna.

      • E-Counselor

        Hare KRsna Prabhuji,


        The 4 regulative principles are:

        1) No meat eating - ahimsa - non violence - we are vegeterians, eat only Krsna prasadam, prepared without onion and garlic.

        2) No gambling - satya - truthfulness - we do not indulge in any gambling of any sort - no speculative deals in the stock market, no casino, no putting money in horse races as a speculator.

        3) No illicit sex - saucham - cleanliness - no sex outside of marraige.

        4) No intoxication - austerity - no form of intoxication.


        Your servant,


  • its possible only by association of the lord or his devotees .

    there is no other ways beside this two.

    • Yes Prabhuji..I understand.

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