Developing Love for Krishna.

Hare Krishna All,



    It is very difficult for a neophyte like me to understand krishna. When we say we develop love for

krishna by serving him and when we see no difference between him and his deity and believe krishna is every where then why we go to various pilgrimages and why dont we serve living beings around us considering them as part and parcel of the lord.I already discussed this topic earlier and my humble question is, does people who dont have any knowledge of scriptures like tribals who worship nature or trees or water as God with full faith will attain love of supreme lord?


    I myself believe firmly in the existence of the lord but when it comes to the practise of devotional principles of life, I start speculating things and finally reach to the conclusion that goodness,mercifulness and gratitude towards the lord are the only qualities that can bring us close to the lord. May be I am too lazy or trying to find an escape from devotional life for material comforts. I dont know why I dont find any pleasure in devotional service except chanting. I love chanting and I really feel blissful when I do it with full attentiveness instead of counting how many rounds I did for the day. When I do keeping in mind that I have to finish 16 rounds then my concentration will be partly on numbers. These are my views and not intended to offense anyone.


Your Servant


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  • Volunteer

    Love for Krishna one can achieve by the mercy of Guru. 

    Srila Prabhupada told us to chant minimum 16 rounds daily. So point is not on quantity only but by fulfilling the orders of our spiritual master and when he becomes pleased he will recommend us to Krishna. 

    To achieve love for Krishna is not so easy thing. Krishna does not give pure love - prema bhakti to anyone and everyone. 

    Your servant, 

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