Despite so many failures saw Radha Krishna in my dreams.Im happy that I saw them.Got up in the morning, but as usual felt nothing unusual but after some times I've realized in a subconscious level that I had a darshan of Radha & Krishna last night. Somany failures surrounded me, but some where got a hint that allmighty given a hint that when he said-"Surrender to me, I will protect what u have, and will give u what u dont have". Im a materialist though who is looking for so many materialistic gains in my life, but my impure senses always made me feel Im not so pure son of Krishna.

Dont know the significance of seeing Radha in Dreams, but whatever it is that moment was pure.

Hey Radha....begging for ur sidelong glance.

Hey Krishna.....have mercy on me.

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    Hare Krsna,

    His divine grace, A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada has given many examples of the importance of surrendering to Krsna and becoming as much Krsna Conscious as possible in this difficult age of Kali. You mention many failures, probably referring to failures in achieving results in your material projects, goals and spiritual projects/goals.

    The extracts below should give you an idea of why this can happen and what can be done to ensure we are on the correct path and are not too affected by failures. 

    From the book "Laws of Nature":

    "The Krsna consciousness movement is meant to give you an opportunity to solve these four problems--birth, old age, disease, and death. But if you continue to act sinfully and eat sinfully, then these miseries will continue. Otherwise, you can nullify your sinful reactions by surrendering to Krsna, as He states in the Bhagavad-gita (18.66): "Just give up all your so-called religious practices and surrender unto Me. I shall protect you from all your sinful reactions." Part of

    surrendering to Krsna is being careful not to eat anything that has not been offered to Him. That should be our determination. Even if we have committed some sin, by eating prasadam, food offered to Krsna, we will counteract it. If we surrender to Krsna in this way, He will protect us from sinful reactions. That is His promise."

    "So, the duty of the devotee of the Lord is to invoke the people's Krsna consciousness. The devotee explains to them: "You are superior to matter, but you are subordinate to Krsna. Therefore you should not try to enjoy matter but

    rather use it for His enjoyment." For example, we have decorated this temple not for our sense gratification but for Krsna's pleasure. What is the difference between us and ordinary people? They are decorating their apartment very nicely, and we are decorating our place very nicely--but the purpose is different. We are doing it for Krsna, and they are doing it for themselves. Whether you decorate your personal apartment or Krsna's temple, your superiority over matter remains, since you are utilizing matter for your purposes. But when you apply your intelligence toward utilizing matter for Krsna's pleasure, your life is successful, whereas when you apply the same intelligence for your sense

    gratification, you become entangled in material nature and feel anxiety. Then you have to change bodies, one after another."

    "Similarly, in this material world Krsna has certainly arranged for our care, but also for our punishment. If you commit this sin, then slap. If you commit that sin, then kick. This is going on under the heading of the threefold miseries--those caused by our own body and mind, those caused by other living entities, and those caused by natural calamities under the supervision of the demigods. Unfortunately, instead of understanding that we are being punished for sinful activities, under the spell of maya we are thinking that this kicking, slapping, and thrashing are accidental. This is illusion. As soon as you take up Krsna consciousness, Krsna begins personally taking care of you. As He promises in the Bhagavad-gita (18.66), "I will take care of you. I will save you from all sinful reactions. Do not worry." Because we have had so many lives in this material world, we are suffering under heaps of sinful reactions. But as soon as you surrender to Krsna, He immediately takes care of you and nullifies all your sinful reactions. Krsna says, "Don't hesitate." Don't think, "Oh, I have committed so many sins. How can Krsna save me?" No. Krsna is all-powerful. He can save you. Your duty is to surrender to Him and without any reservation dedicate your life to His service. Then Krsna will save you without a doubt."

    "Human life is meant for understanding the mystery of life. And one who fails to utilize this human form for this purpose is a krpana, a miser. This is stated in the Garga Upanisad. If you get one million dollars and do not use it,

    thinking, "Oh, I will simply keep this bank balance of one million dollars," you are a krpana. You do not know how to use your money. On the other hand, one who uses his million dollars to make another million dollars is intelligent.

    Similarly, this human body is invaluable. One who uses it for cultivating spiritual knowledge is a brahmana, a wise man, and one who cultivates materialistic knowledge is a krpana, a miser. That is the difference between

    brahmana and krpana."

    "We don't say that you should not become advanced in material education. You may, but at the same time you should become Krsna conscious. That is our message. We don't say that you shouldn't manufacture motorcars. No. We say, "All

    right, you have manufactured these motorcars. Now employ them in Krsna's service." That is our proposal.

    So education is required, but if it is simply materialistic--if it is devoid of Krsna consciousness--it is very, very dangerous. That is the teaching of the Isopanisad."


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