Deaf and Dumb in Krishna Consciousness

Hare Krishna to all devotees. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad.




I have got severe ulcers on my tongue due to which i find difficulty in chanting loudly and hearing it. I am now just chanting my rounds in mind or in whisper stage,not able to concentrate much too.Due to this condition  a question arises in my mind is---------


How does deaf and dumb people will chant the holy name of Krishna?? or Hear to Lectures or Bhajans or Kirtans?? How will this people be in Krishna consciousness and do sadhana...??






They need full mercy from Krishna., or they need to be pure devotees of Krishna.


what do you devotees think about this??


urs servant


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  • Volunteer

    hare krishna Ashwani mataji. PAMHO. AGTSP.


    A wonderful question which I had never bothered even to think of... Devotees are soo compassionate that they are always worried of others in this material world just like you. Hare Krishna. There are wonderful comments about how dumb and deaf can serve Lord. When I read this question, I got another thought in my mind. Even I am suffering from cough since 2-3 days and having little difficulty in chanting as the throat gets chocked with cough. But the situation at the time of death is even horrible than this. I heard from devotees that it is stated in Bhagavatam that at the time of death, ones throat is filled with kafa-vaata-pittha and it becomes very difficult to speak a single word. and in such a state, one needs to remember Krishna in order to go back to home back to god head. So, Krishna is giving us some small test to be prepared for the final exam - death!!! Just tolerate and continue chanting how ever possible.


    Hari Bol!!!

  • Volunteer


    when we talk about deaf and dumb people or people with deformed bodies, it is just because of their karma in previous life.. at present if the deaf and dumb person can chant in his mind and render services he can definitely go BTG.

    I have seen devotees in mayapur, who are dumb or deaf, they render regular services in temple like making chandan, garlands this way they will achieve perfection.



  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Ashvini Mataji, Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    His Holiness Srila Radhanatha Swami Maharaj was asked such like question, He told that they can chant in mind and if they are sincere they can progress and go back to Godhead.


    the main process is to bring our diseased mind to the Holy Names. Always remember Krishna and never forget Him.

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